Self Driving Car- Google joins hands with Uber, Ford

Self Driving Car- Google joins hands with Uber, Ford


Apr 28, 2016
The self drving cars have been facing a lot of problems in entering the market and now Google has tried to take it to a all new level. Now Several high-profile companies like Google, Ford, Uber, Lyft, and Volvo have joined together in a new coalition, looking to persuade both the public and the U.S. government about the benefits of self-driving cars, with the particular goal of knocking down any legal barriers that might interfere as there have been a lot of legal issues surfacing since the testing of these driverless cars. With all these big business giants now together it looks like the Self driving cars would soon become a reality. On a separate note, Uber has claimed that self-driving cars could “save millions of lives”’ and also suggested that the technology could reduce traffic jams, and open up travel for people who can’t drive on their own. Now with all the groups together they will be aiming for a clear set of federal standards that will help them put the self driving cars on the roads. These efforts may ultimately help Apple, which is believed to be working on an electric car for launch in 2019 or 2020. Though the first model may or may not be self-driving, Apple is believed to be working on such systems, a virtual necessity given work in that area by rivals like Google and Tesla.  

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