Google updates Maps for 10 European countries, claims 27.9 million miles of road under its belt

Google updates Maps for 10 European countries, claims 27.9 million miles of road under its belt


Dec 7, 2012
Google’s just flipped the switch on updates for its maps of ten European countriesand regions: Andorra, Bulgaria, Estonia, Gibraltar, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. As part of Page And Co.’s Ground Truth project, the refresh increases the accuracy and detail of maps by combining human input with a wide array of data, such as satellite and Street View imagery. With the refresh,Google’s cartography has been spruced up with building outlines, walking paths, ferry lines, park boundaries, new highways and more. The update brings the number of countries mapped as part of the search titan’s Ground Truth initiative to 40, and pushes the total number of miles of road cataloged in Google Maps to 27.9 million.

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