Found The Part Of The Mouse Brain That Motivates Exercise

Found The Part Of The Mouse Brain That Motivates Exercise


Nov 3, 2014
Found The Part Of The Mouse Brain That Motivates Exercise In a startling development for modern science, leading researchers and scientists have discovered a miniscule brain region which influences physical activity and running desires in mice. This is known as the dorsal medial habenula and is quite similar in comparison to the human brain. The ability of this tiny region to influence motivational aspects and mood should definitely be equal for both men and mice according to researchers. According to researchers, depression results from physical transformations or changes and the inability to enjoy pleasurable experiences. However, brain pathways that directly tap into exercise related motivation have never been well delineated or studied in detail. Researchers are clued in to newer activity manipulation methods which are concurrent with particular areas of the brain. Alongside, this development also leads to newer hope regarding the development of anti-depression treatments. These scientists experimented on mice that were genetically engineered to keep dorsal medial habenula signals at bay. In comparison to regular mice that have a penchant for activity and running, these remained in a constant state of lethargy in spite of possessing the physical capabilities necessary for the same. This mainly resulted from lack of motivation which was caused out of blocking the signals from the dorsal medial habenula in turn. Alongside, it was also observed that these mice did not demonstrate any special preferences for sweetened drinking water as compared to regular water. This experiment while being immensely indicative was backed up by another where the research team made use of light for targeting the dorsal medial habenula area of the brain. Mice could actually decide to activate the dorsal medial habenula by turning wheels with the use of their paws. The mice were actually witnessed to prefer turning the wheels repeatedly, linking the stimulation of the dorsal medial habenula with behavior that is rewarding and motivational. According to scientists, depression usually crops up from multiple areas of the brain and the findings link it mainly to this little node that can actually fine tune the motivational process. Exercise can actually help with regard to combating depression and this study was for discovering a potent antidepressant for the same or one that would replicate the effects of exercise on the human brain with effortless ease. However, this experiment still needs a lot of work before it can be executed commercially and professionally. Repeated studies and tests are of course necessary for establishing this brain area as a prime motivator and antidepressant goldmine. Scientists will have to observe the effects on similar regions of the human brain before committing to anything substantial according to other researchers and experts in the industry. Alongside, creating any drug comes with its fair share of safety and ethical challenges and this is another aspect that scientists need to look into. However, the development does hold good for future progress and may well be a tangible counter to depression. Depression is a silent killer as medical statistics will tell you and can have dangerous effects upon human beings. The research experiment has tremendous relevance in this context.

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